Indiana jones quotes
Indiana jones quotes

indiana jones quotes
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  2. Indiana jones quotes windows#

Francisco de Orellano disappeared into the Amazon looking for it in 1546. It had aqueducts and paved roads and technology that wouldn't be seen again for 5000 years. Supposedly, the Ugha tribe were chosen by the gods 7000 years ago to build a giant city out of solid gold. What is it? Indy: It's a mythical lost city in the Amazon. Indy: Akator? He said that? You're sure? Mutt: That's what he said, he said Akator. He said this was real and he was off to a place called Akator with it. Interesting craftsmanship, but that's about it. There are a number of crystal skulls in the world I saw one in the British Museum. Mutt: What is it the crystal skull? Indy: Deity carving. Indy: Mutt? What kind of name is that? Mutt: It's the one I picked, you got a problem with that? Indy: Take it easy. Dean Stanforth: We seem to have reached the age where life stops giving us things and starts taking them away. Indy: Brutal couple of years, huh, Charlie? First Dad, then Marcus. Dean Stanforth: No, you have reason to question your friends these days. Indy: I never should have doubted you, my friend. Indy: How did Deirdre take the news? Dean Stanforth: How does any wife take such things? The look on her face was a combination of pride and panic.

Indiana jones quotes full#

None of us was ever given the full picture and we were threatened with treason if we ever talked about it. Hauled out in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere on some urgent recovery project and shown what?! Pieces of wreckage and an intensely magnetic shroud covering mutilated remains.

Indiana jones quotes windows#

Indy: Oh, you mean that Air Force fiasco in '47? I was tossed into a bus with blacked-out windows and twenty people I wasn't allowed to speak to. Indy: What was in the steel box they took? FBI Agent: You tell us. You know, North, South, East - Mac: West. Indy: Look, even if I.knew what you were talking about. Indy: What makes you think I've got any idea what box you're talking about? Irina: Because 10 years ago, you were part of the team that examined it. Irina: Object we seek rectangular storage container, dimensions 2 meters by one half meter by 66 centimeters. Irina: This warehouse, where you and your government have hidden all of your secrets. Irina: So, we will do this, what is expression, old-fashioned way. Jones? Indy: Well, the way you're sinking your teeth into those wubble-U's, I should think maybe.Eastern Ukraine. Indy: You're not from around here, are you? Irina: And where is it you would imagine I am from. Put your hands down, will you you're embarrassing us.Ĭolonel Dovchenko: You recognize building, yes? Indy: Drop dead. Mac: I still am young! Indy: We had guns. Harold Oxley: Henry Jones Jr.!ĭialogue Mac: This ain't going to be easy.Marion Ravenwood-Williams: Get your hands off of me, you rotten, Russky son of a bitch! Indiana Jones.Know him! Know him! You don't know him! You don't know him! YOU DON'T KNOW HIM! YOU DON'T KNOW.! So we will do this- what is expression? Old-fashion way.You fight like a young man eager to begin, quick to finish!.And where is it you would imagine I am from, Dr.I can't concentrate with you two fighting all the time!.What are you looking at, Daddy-o! She's getting away!.For an old man, you're not bad in a fight.Leave it to Ox to write a riddle in a dead language.We went to the University of Chicago together, and you were never this interesting.

indiana jones quotes

If you want to be a good archaeologist, you gotta get out of the library!.I think you just brought a knife to a gunfight.

indiana jones quotes

  • 6 About Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

  • Indiana jones quotes